Secure-IC makes it easy to use its protection technologies on Cloud platforms

Secure-IC announces the availability of its protection technologies (“Silicon Intellectual Property” – IPs) in the Cloud.

Starting first with Xilinx App Store launched on December 9th (, a new service that allows millions of Xilinx customers to securely find and use third-party IPs in the Cloud, and powered by Accelize’s Digital Rights Management technology, Secure-IC is now able to offer its clients the possibility to test protection technologies in the Cloud before deploying them.

Through this Cloud-based platform, clients around the globe will be able to build, test and run instantly, agilely and securely new solutions without needing the traditional required hardware to support their applications.

Security IPs as a service

Secure-IC leverages the reach of its technologies through the scale of Cloud. The pay-per-use model could also foster innovation and new models to emerge, using secure functions as a service.

Xilinx Cloud-based App Store and Secure-IC’s IPs technologies available as a service will enhance the clients’ user experience. Indeed, when a client will be willing to launch a new application that needs secure elements, he will now be able to test the functions in advance by calling the IP directly in the Cloud, using the secure software framework (SecuryzrTM Firmware Framework), Secure-IC will deliver.

Customers will be provided with a very simple API and activation process to use Secure-IC’s technologies.

This new value proposal will allow customers to accelerate design cycles thanks to the scalability of the Cloud and meet their demanding schedules and help them achieve their crucial time-to-market goals when deploying new technologies.

Hassan Triqui, co-founder and CEO at Secure-IC explains: “Through Xilinx App Store and our partnership with Accelize, our clients can now really experience the benefit of our solutions as they are able to evaluate quickly and efficiently our secure functions. This is a major benefit for us to demonstrate and disseminate broadly our technologies.

“It represents also an important milestone for Secure-IC in line with our strategic vision to accelerate the deployment of our protection technologies and deliver security life cycle management of devices from Chip to Cloud.”

The first IP to be available is “Digital True Random Number Generator”. This choice is meaningful since the ability to generate true randomness with a very unique stochastic model represents the very essence of every security mechanism.

It will be followed shortly by other Secure-IC’s technologies made available to Cloud-end users. Secure-IC will also deploy its Cloud strategy on various platforms in the coming months.

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