New competition allows cybersecurity leaders to test their knowledge and skills

What can security leaders do to make sure they’re prepared and hone their skills ahead of the next inevitable threat? Now, they can test themselves and their knowledge at a new website, The CISO Challenge. Launched by XDR provider Cynet, it aims to let information security leaders to test their cybersecurity mettle.

The website features a challenge for InfoSec leaders (and those who are looking to become one) to test their knowledge in a realistic series of scenarios. The challenge consists of 25 scenarios based on real-time and complex situations that security leaders face in the course of their jobs. They also compete against other security leaders for a grand prize of $5,000.

Some of the topics covered in the 25 scenarios include:

  • Compliance and regulation
  • Risk Assessment and management
  • Measurements and metrics
  • Security awareness and training
  • Audit and governance
  • Architecture
  • Threat and vulnerability management
  • Incident management

cynet ciso challenge

Contestant’s homepage with 25 questions

How do you respond?

The CISO challenge website launched on May 5th, 2021 and runs a competition until 11:59pm on May 21st, (after which it will be open for anyone to participate, just without a competition involved). The competition aims to test security executives’ knowledge, response capabilities, and creative solutions when it comes to some of the most common (and uncommon) issues facing their field.

cynet ciso challenge

Example question

Most importantly, the challenge is an exciting, engaging way for CISOs to engage with their peers and expand their knowledge and perspective by offering solutions to the questions at hand. The challenge features questions of varying difficulty levels and dares CISOs to test their mettle.

The CISO challenge website also features a leaderboard where contestants can see how they performed against their peers.

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