eBook: The Psychology of Cyber

‘Mega breaches’ might sound dystopian, but they’re becoming an all too familiar feature of the modern cyber crisis. Yet organizations are still relying on traditional techniques to prepare and exercise their workforces’ cyber crisis response. Enter micro-drilling: the modern alternative to tabletop exercising.

eBook Psychology Cyber

In this eBook, we explore the psychology of effective crisis response and take a deep dive into micro-drilling. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to use it to power up your incident response teams.

Download this eBook to discover:

  • What is micro-drilling and why is it better than table-top exercising?
  • How has the threat landscape collided with the changing role of the CISO to create a need for it?
  • What is the psychology behind micro-drilling, and how does it play into modern cybersecurity incidents?

This eBook is no longer available.

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