Cyberbit Crisis Simulator enables organizations to prepare for cyber crisis scenarios

Cyberbit has added a collaborative Cyber Crisis Simulator to its platform and offers integrated exercises for the boardroom and the SOC, enabling the C-Suite to collaborate with its cyber defense team in real-time, while responding to an organizational cyber crisis.

Cyberbit Crisis Simulator

Cyberbit’s Crisis Simulator enables management teams including CEO, CFO, Legal, Communications and PR, CISO, CIO, and SOC managers to engage in a simulated, company-wide cyber crisis. The exercises are designed to prepare managers for cyber crisis scenarios, develop decision-making skills, and test and rehearse crisis response playbooks. The crisis simulator allows organizations to replace traditional tabletop exercises with a dynamic and realistic experience in which exercise outcomes depend on real-time performance and management decisions.

Rolled out in 2015, Cyberbit has launched a hyper-realistic cyber range, allowing SOC and incident response teams to respond, as a team, to attacks simulated in real-world networks, and using commercial security tools. Since its launch Cyberbit has developed numerous live-fire team exercises simulating attacks ranging from ransomware to DoS, web defacement, supply chain, and cloud attacks.

The new crisis simulator is fully integrated with cyber range exercises, enabling organizations to run collaborative exercises that bring together executive teams and cyber defense teams. Up until now, executives could only participate in traditional tabletop exercises or use entry-level crisis simulation applications, isolated from the information security team.

However, in a real-world crisis scenario, management teams are continuously informed by the information security team and their decisions are impacted by incident response progress. The new Cyberbit product fills in this critical gap and allows full collaboration, ensuring that an organization’s incident response team is prepared to respond to a cyber crisis as one, functioning team.

Some of the decision-making dilemmas and topics in crisis simulations include whether to pay a ransom demand, when and how to issue public announcements on an attack, internal communication procedures, as well as legal and regulatory issues. Organizations have access to an extensive exercise catalog or can customize the exercises to align with their playbooks, policies, and regulations.

The platform is available in a SaaS model allowing distributed teams, or teams working from home, to collaborate from any location, at their convenience. Cyberbit also provides unified measurement capabilities allowing a view of both executive teams and hands-on team performance from a single dashboard.

“We’ve worked extensively with our F500 customers and global consulting firms to develop the new crisis simulation module, complementing our catalog of live-fire team exercises,” said Adi Dar, Cyberbit CEO. “We’ve always believed in teamwork as one of the key elements of cyber readiness and we can now offer the only simulation solution that connects the entire organization exactly as they would be required to perform in real-life.”

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