integrates with Intel to protect Kubernetes clusters from API attacks (Formerly L7 Defense), has integrated its API security solution ammune, with the Intel NetSec Accelerator Reference Design, providing node-based protection for Kubernetes clusters from API attacks.

The deployment architecture incorporates the integration of ammune RT-units with the Intel NetSec Accelerator Reference Design, a blueprint delivering the functionality of a server in an Intel processor-based PCIe add-in card which minimizes CPU processing requirements for cybersecurity operations.

Additionally, ammune Analytic Units are utilized to remotely support the dynamically connected RT-units. and Intel integration facilitates the deployment of node-based Kubernetes security measures to safeguard against API attacks, mitigating the risk of data leaks and other detrimental impacts on business operations.

Dr Doron Chema, CTO of said, “Our approach empowers the widespread implementation of ammune in modern data centers, safeguarding them from emerging cyber threats that exploit cutting-edge AI technologies and tools. We have a proven track record of excelling in solving this challenge, as we have been at the forefront of this trend from its inception.”

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