Skyhawk Security unveils cloud-native CTEM, streamlining security with AI-powered automation

Skyhawk Security has unveiled its cloud native Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) solution. The agentless approach empowers organizations to automate their CTEM program for the first time and operationalize it through Skyhawk’s existing AI-based Synthesis Security Platform.

The sophistication and pervasiveness of today’s cloud threats require a security solution that continuously evolves. According to Gartner, “By 2026, organizations prioritizing their security investments based on a continuous exposure management program will realize a two-third reduction in breaches.”

Companies need cloud native CTEM to stay ahead of the curve. Organizations move to the cloud because it often addresses their evolving business needs but securing ever-changing cloud environments is challenging. A reliable, automated CTEM framework solution is instrumental because it continuously evaluates the environment and leverages the findings to harden and pre-validate detection and prepare automated responses.

Cloud attack surfaces are difficult to patch and best practices may not meld with an organization’s business requirements because they are not completely under the organization’s control. Until today, organizations had to implement several products and manually integrate their inputs and outputs to achieve CTEM in the cloud, now they can leverage Skyhawk Security.

Automated cloud CTEM helps security teams focus on the risks according to business goals. With the new SEC rules requiring disclosure of material events, focusing on the right alerts and being prepared with automation may be the difference between a non-material incident and a material breach thus protecting their brand, company and customer base. Skyhawk Synthesis automates this process so the direst threats to the business are resolved first.

Key components of Skyhawk’s AI-driven Cloud CTEM solution include:

Skyhawk Synthesis: Skyhawk Synthesis aligns continuous feedback loops to enhance cloud posture, machine learning-based detection and automated response capabilities. By integrating various technologies and utilizing generative AI-based teams, Skyhawk Synthesis empowers organizations to streamline their security operations and maintain robust defenses against evolving threats.

Business Priority Rules: Within Skyhawk’s platform, security teams can configure business priority rules to ensure that threats to the most precious business assets, or crown jewels, are prioritized above all others. This is a key component of CTEM. This categorization is done automatically based on their sensitivity, criticality, and value to the business.

Continuous Proactive Protection: Through an advanced AI-based autonomous purple team, Skyhawk’s Continuous Proactive Protection constantly analyzes cloud infrastructure, proactively runs attack simulations against it and uses the results to prepare verified detections, validated automated response and remediation recommendations to ensure the cloud has the most up-to-date security defenses in place. This continuous protection process enables security teams to take a proactive and adaptive approach to their security strategy, in line with the essential steps in a CTEM cycle – scoping, discovery, prioritization, validation and mobilization.

Automated Threat Response: Skyhawk’s Continuous Proactive Protection platform autonomously identifies weaknesses and assists in preparing automated responses. As cloud architectures evolve, the platform dynamically adapts, continuously identifying, mitigating and preparing responses to validated scenarios, significantly reducing the likelihood of breaches.

“The increase in cloud breaches, despite all investments in CNAPP, proves that the cloud cannot be secured with traditional measures or static tools,” said Chen Burshan, CEO of Skyhawk Security.

“Our cloud native, agentless CTEM solution combines all the benefits of CTEM with cloud threat detection and response, providing organizations with the flexibility and agility they need to increase the maturity of their security strategy. Our solution is unique because we are continuously evaluating cloud environments from an adversarial point of view and based on the value of the data to the business, thus allowing teams to focus and prepare security responses for what really matters to their business and their board,” Burshan concluded.

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