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Real-time mobile vulnerability management

Mobilisafe launched its cloud-based Mobile Risk Management (MRM) solution, enabling IT to identify and eliminate the significant risks associated with the …

Microsoft embraces CVRF format for its security bulletins

A year has passed since the Industry Consortium for Advancement of Security on the Internet (ICASI) introduced the first version of the Common Vulnerability Reporting …

Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework updated

The Industry Consortium for Advancement of Security on the Internet (ICASI) announced Common Vulnerability Reporting Framework (CVRF), Version 1.1. Enhancements offer users a …

Most CCTV systems are easily accessible to attackers

The use of CCTV cameras for physical surveillance of all kinds of environments has become so pervasive that most of us don’t give the devices a second thought anymore. …

Kickstarter bug granted access to unlaunched projects

A bug in the private application programming interface (API) of Kickstarter, the popular crowd funding website for creative projects, has exposed details about 70,000 projects …

Apple security update fixes QuickTime vulnerabilities

Apple just released an advisory addressing 17 security flaws in QuickTime Media Player. The update is rated critical as several of the fixed vulnerabilities can be used to …

Adobe backs down, will patch old software for free

Following Adobe’s recent release of Creative Suite 6 and its statement that it will not be patching critical security vulnerabilities in previous versions of the popular …

Fuzz-o-Matic finds critical flaw in OpenSSL

Codenomicon helped identify and a critical flaw in widely-used encryption software. A flaw in the OpenSSL handling of CBC mode ciphersuites in TLS 1.1, 1.2 and DTLS can be …

Adobe patches Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash and Shockwave

Adobe released four security bulletins that fix critical vulnerabilities in the following products, for both Windows and Macintosh plaforms: Adobe Illustrator CS 5.5 and …

Microsoft to release seven bulletins, three critical

The Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification for May 2012 contains 7 bulletins: three rated “critical” and the rest “important.” Just when most …

1,000+ WordPress sites compromised through automatic update feature

More than 1,000 WordPress blogs have been modified to redirect visitors to sites serving malware, affiliate and pay-per-click redirectors, and low quality PPC search result …

Top 10 business logic attack vectors

Application business logic flaws are unique to each custom application, potentially very damaging, and difficult to test. Attackers exploit business logic by using deductive …

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