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Microsoft SQL Server Passwords (Cracking the password hashes)

SQL Server uses an undocumented function, pwdencrypt() to produce a hash of the user’s password, which is stored in the sysxlogins table of the master database. This is …

Security in Open versus Closed Systems – The Dance of Boltzmann, Coase and Moore

Some members of the open-source and free software community argue that their code is more secure, because vulnerabilities are easier for users to find and fix. Meanwhile the …

Creating Arbitrary Shellcode In Unicode Expanded Strings

The paper is intended to be read by the portion of the security community responsible for creating protective mechanisms to guard against “shellcode” type security …

Information Survivability: Required Shifts in Perspective

The events of recent years and especially of recent months have greatly increased awareness of information and infrastructure security, whether they are media reports of the …

(more) Advanced SQL Injection

This paper addresses the subject of SQL Injection in a Microsoft SQL Server/IIS/Active Server Pages environment, but most of the techniques discussed have equivalents in other …

Network InSecurity

This technical brief will overview the inherent flaws that plague the internet today, making it vulnerable to corporate espionage, money laundering, grand larceny, trading …

Violating Database – Enforced Security Mechanisms

This paper discusses the feasibility of violating the access control, authentication and audit mechanisms of a running process in the Windows server operating systems. …

Security and open source

Security problems in software are of course an extremely bad thing, regardless of the business model under which the software was written. I want to consider why anybody …

OpenSSH Remote Vulnerability Roundup

In a recent discussion about the Apache Chunk Handling vulnerability, which consisted of many debates and rants on how the reporting was done, ISS mentioned that they found …

Security: Source Access and the Software Ecosystem

The goal of this paper is to explore the relationship between the security of software and the model under which that software was produced and distributed. Additionally, this …

TrueSign: Under the Hood

Electronic document exchange and digital signatures are often considered as systems both hard to understand and difficult to use for the end user. This fear is often caused by …

Achilles’ Shield: A New Internet Security System for Protecting Networks and Computer Systems Against Viruses and Malicious Code

A comprehensive look at what constitutes malicious code, the inherent weakness of all signature-based scanning methods, and the technology behind the Achilles’Shield …

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