Code42 unveils source code exfiltration detection and protection capabilities

Code42 has advanced its Incydr data protection product with new capabilities to see and stop source code leak and theft and ensure organizations can prevent potential breaches, without burdening developers or security analysts.

Source code is the most important intellectual property (IP) for many organizations, yet it is challenging to monitor. With multiple ways to exfiltrate source code and traditional monitoring methods leaving significant gaps, 88 percent of security leaders wish they had more visibility into source code movement.

“Code42 Incydr can detect source code movement on day one of implementation,” said Dave Capuano, Senior VP of Product Management at Code42. “As the array of developer tools expands, it’s becoming increasingly challenging for organizations to monitor their IP. To protect source code, teams must not only know its origin but also understand its destination. Instead of just monitoring certain processes or apps, our client and tool agnostic solution watches file changes and commands to provide analysts with a full purview of source code movement.”

The Incydr product monitors source code movement in real-time across repositories, regardless of whether they are personal or corporate destinations. This ensures that organizations maintain visibility across all clients, Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), and libraries, and can monitor Git pull, clone, and fetch activity to trace files exfiltrated from corporate repositories.

With the Incydr Source Code Risk Dashboard, customers gain comprehensive and streamlined visibility of untrusted source code movement. While established solutions can alert security teams to specific, identified applications that are not trusted source code destinations, the Incydr product’s new capabilities also uncover risky movement that is otherwise unknown.

The system predicts the riskiest exfiltration attempts so that analysts can quickly detect and stop source code theft while ensuring teams can focus on addressing the most pressing threats.

Code42 Incydr Source Code Risk Dashboard is currently available to all Code42 customers.

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