Allot Communications

SMBs should consider new approaches for increasing their cybersecurity posture
SMBs can obtain advice about cybersecurity quite easily from a plethora of resources. Getting their hands on practical technology solutions is, on the other hand, more of a …

Play collaborates with Allot to offer cybersecurity services for their consumer customers
Allot announced that Play, a mobile operator in Poland with over 15 million subscribers, has launched zero-touch, clientless cybersecurity and content control services for …
Allot provides Asahi Net with comprehensive network analytics and real-time traffic management
Allot announced that Asahi Net, a broadband provider in Japan, has launched Allot’s SmartTraffic QoE solution. SmartTraffic QoE provides comprehensive network traffic …
Two CSPs in APAC select Allot to provide cybersecurity services to their customers
Allot announced that two fixed and mobile operators in APAC will offer cybersecurity services to their consumer and SMB customers in several countries based on the unified …
Tier 1 communications group chooses Allot to protect their customers from cyberthreats
Allot announced that a Tier 1 communications group headquartered in Europe, with operating units in the EU and North America, has signed an agreement with Allot to enable …
Allot DNS Secure joins the Allot Secure family of cybersecurity solutions for CSPs
Allot announced that a new mass-market cybersecurity solution, Allot DNS Secure, will join the Allot Secure family of cybersecurity solutions for communication service …

Consumers would like to view internet connectivity as a trusted utility
CSPs are well positioned to capture a clearly defined opportunity by meeting their customers’ unmet need for protection against growing threats, such as phishing and malware, …
Allot BusinessSecure: A new solution for CSPs to protect their customers from cybersecurity threats
Allot, a leading global provider of innovative network intelligence and security-as-a-service (SECaaS) solutions for communication service providers (CSPs) and enterprises, …

Phishing is a billion-dollar global industry, consumers are the main target
Phishing is a growing pain point for individuals, businesses and CSPs, according to Allot. Consumers are the main target of these attacks, and they are calling for better …

Closed loop automation combats IoT security threats in the 5G age
The 5G race is on as carriers prepare for the onset of the next wireless generation in their own ways. While some have pseudo-definitions of 5G, others like Verizon and …

Protecting consumers from mobile and IoT threats
A new report by Allot Communications revealed a dynamic and automated threat landscape in which consumers lack the security expertise to effectively protect themselves. Mobile …