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Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.5 released

Panda Security launch Cloud Antivirus 1.5 which includes performance improvements as well as new features. The new version is available for free, with a Pro version that …

Tips for embracing cloud computing

In today’s complex landscape of constant innovation and change, organizations should take advantage of emerging capabilities, skills and processes to address their …

43% of enterprises have security issues with cloud service providers

Most enterprises face apprehension over adopting cloud computing, and with good reason: Nearly half (43 percent) of enterprise IT decision makers reported a security lapse or …

Security a top concern for mobile cloud-based applications

48 percent of a Vordel study respondents noted security as a top concern for connecting from mobile cloud-based applications into the organization. The security challenges …

Apple introduces iCloud

Apple introduced iCloud, a set of free new cloud services that work seamlessly with applications on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac or PC to automatically and wirelessly …

Financial data stealing malware on the Amazon cloud

There were some recent comments about Amazon Cloud as a platform for successful attacks on Sony. Now Amazon Web Services (cloud) now are being used to spread financial data …

Data center IT departments fear targeted attacks

IT departments are now turning to virtualization, with half of the respondents having either implemented or are planning to deploy private clouds, according to a McAfee study. …

Code in the Cloud: Programming Google AppEngine

Cloud applications are the next big shift in application development: instead of building single-user applications to run on a personal computer, new applications are being …

The evolution of traditional desktops into personal clouds

As users go virtual in all aspects of their life, the notion of doing all their work on a single traditional desktop in one physical location is rapidly evolving. …

Best practices to reduce risk in cloud contracts

IT procurement or sourcing managers challenged with finding sourcing options that reduce costs at tolerable risks should examine nine contractual terms to reduce risk in cloud …

nCircle debuts PureCloud security scanning technology

nCircle announced in collaboration with HITRUST the debut of PureCloud, a security scanning technology, and the integration of PureCloud into the HITRUST CSF Assessment for …

Microsoft Forefront Endpoint Protection 2012 Beta released

Microsoft released Forefront Endpoint Protection 2012 Beta which continues to provide proactive protection against known and unknown threats using multiple technologies in the …

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