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Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard

There are many books addressing the subject of computer forensics out there, but this tome is one of the rare ones that approaches cybercrime investigations in a holistic …

Most security managers don’t trust their apps

Application vulnerabilities are a major factor in the cybercrime game. More than 500 CISOs and Security managers have been interviewed by Quotium about the security state of …

Hacker admits to selling access to company networks, supercomputers

A Pennsylvania man pleaded guilty today to charges stemming from his participation in a scheme to hack into computer networks and sell access to those networks. Andrew James …

There are no winners in the blame game

Every time a major security breach makes the headlines, a common reaction happens. Even before the details of the breach are known, the infosec world gets into a frenzy of …

New Zeus variant creates bogus Instagram accounts

If you are familiar with the results of a recently finished study regarding online content popularity that concluded that “likes” beget “likes”, the …

Advanced threats to drive growth in new product segment

As hackers have shifted their ultimate goals from disruption and notoriety to financial and intellectual property theft, the tactics they use have changed accordingly. The …

Lucrative business: cybercrime-as-a-service

With news of the struggling high street becoming a regular occurrence, it is not surprising that increasingly small businesses are seeking opportunities online. However …

Analyzing the Fort Disco bruteforce campaign

In recent months, several researchers have highlighted an uptick in bruteforce password guessing attacks targeting blogging and content management systems. Arbor ASERT has …

Advice on Tor use in wake of Freedom Hosting compromise

In the wake of the discovery that someone has compromised Tor hidden services hosted by Freedom Hosting and injected malicious JavaScript aimed at de-anonymizing specific …

Cybercriminals are doing a better job than the companies they target

What can you learn from reading the exploits of the most successful hacking ring ever brought to justice? Recently, the US Attorney’s Office in NJ unsealed their …

Russians responsible for 30% of mobile malware

Lookout investigated 10 Russian-based organizations, uncovering that the mobile malware industry in Russia has become organized and profitable. These malware businesses …

72k people affected by University of Delaware hack

University of Delaware is the latest of the high-learning institutions in the US to have been hit with a cyber attack that resulted in a data breach. According to a …

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