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2012 network security trends

Looking back on 2011, FortiGuard Labs saw a number of landmark developments in the world of network security. Huge botnets such as DNS Changer and Coreflood were permanently …

Proactive detection of cyber security incidents

ENISA today launched a report which identifies 16 shortcomings in detection of network security incidents. The report reveals that not all available tools are used widely …

Fraudsters beat two-factor authentication, steal $45k

It seems that two-factor authentication solutions that deliver verification codes to mobile phones are not as foolproof as one might think – a lesson that an Australian …

U.S. wakes up to cybercrime threat

Businesses in the U.S. are increasingly waking up to the threat of cyber crime according to the latest Lloyd’s Risk Index, but evidence shows the problem of cyber crime …

Three actions to protect patient data

The second annual benchmark study by Ponemon Institute finds that the frequency of data breaches in healthcare organizations surveyed has increased by 32 percent, with …

Data breaches up 32 percent

The frequency of data breaches in healthcare organizations has increased by 32 percent, with hospitals and healthcare providers averaging four data breaches, according to the …

Bosnian hacker collected, distributed massive amounts of illegal porn

A Bosnian national, identified only by the initials E.S., has been arrested by agents of the Bosnian Federal Police’s cybercrime unit following the discovery of a …

AT&T notifies users of failed “organized” attack

A failed attempt at accessing and stealing AT&T customer information has been made public as some of its users received an official email from the company notifying them …

Cybercrime statistics in Ireland

The Irish Reporting and Information Security Service (IRISSCERT) released statistics on cybercrime incidents it has dealt with so far in 2011. The statistics are based on all …

Another U.S. SCADA system compromised thanks to lousy security

After the news about a water utility company in Springfield, Illinois suffering a hack attack that ended in the destruction of a water pump broke on Friday, the U.S. …

Why SMBs are attractive to hackers

A Symantec global survey of nearly 2,000 SMBs showed that 50% did not consider themselves an attack target. However, looking at today’s threat landscape, this is clearly …

Hacker breached, changed grades in university academic record system

Santa Clara University, a private university run by the Jesuits and located in the Silicon Valley, has issued a statement confirming that it has called the FBI to investigate …

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