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Dealing with threats and preventing sensitive data loss

Recently, Normalyze, a data-first cloud security platform, came out of stealth with $22.2M in Series A funding. This was the perfect time to catch up with co-founder and CEO …

How businesses are prioritizing data privacy

In 2021, the demand for data privacy jobs soared with no indication of slowing down and stemming from the proliferation of new government regulations and cloud migration. In …

Data recovery depends on how good your backup strategy is

99% of surveyed IT decision makers state they have backup strategies in place, but just 26% have admitted they were unable to fully restore all data/documents when recovering …

How effective are public-private partnerships?

Ninety-three percent of cyber decision-makers say public-private partnerships are vital to national defense, but only 34 percent believe they are very effective, according to …

RansomHouse: Bug bounty hunters gone rogue?

A new cybercrime outfit that calls itself RansomHouse is attempting to carve out a niche of the cyber extortion market for itself by hitting organizations, stealing their …

Taking the right approach to data extortion

Cybercriminals often specialize. An extortion effort usually begins with a person or a team selecting targets in one of two ways: either they get a request from an …

You should be able to trust organizations that handle your personal data

People have become much more sensitive about privacy and are more concerned about who has access to their data, but at the same time they are constantly sharing that …

smart home
How to ensure that the smart home doesn’t jeopardize data privacy?

The smart home has been much hyped for what feels a very long-time, but I think it is fair to say that the smart home era is now truly upon us. This status has been almost …

Do you need cyber asset attack surface management (CAASM)?

In this video for Help Net Security, James Mignacca, CEO at Cavelo, talks about cyber asset attack surface management (CAASM), which Gartner recently identified as an emerging …

Backup is key for cyber recovery

Granular and air-gapped backup are critical to data recovery, when, not if, a business falls victim to ransomware. Those are among the key takeaways from an Enterprise …

Simon Winchester
The changing role of the CCO: Champion of innovation and business continuity

In this interview with Help Net Security, Simon Winchester, VP Worldwide Advanced Technologies at Jumio, talks about the changing role of the chief compliance officer (CCO) …

Dark data is a pain point for many security leaders

BigID published a research report exploring today’s challenges organizations face with protecting their most valuable data. The study uncovered a number of critical findings: …

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