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FIFA World Cup 2022
Cybercriminals are cashing in on FIFA World Cup-themed cyberattacks

The hype and popularity of the FIFA World Cup has attracted audiences from across the globe. And this, in turn attracts a variety of cybercriminals, who want to exploit the …

Out of the blue: Surviving an 18-hour, 39M-request DDoS attack

No online business can afford to neglect malicious bot threats. Attackers and fraudsters increasingly leverage bots to automate and coordinate attacks, driving IT teams and …

online shop owned
API abuses and attacks create new challenges for retailers

Imperva releases The State of Security Within eCommerce 2022 report, a 12-month analysis by Imperva Threat Research of cybersecurity threats targeting the retail industry. …

snake, threat
How geopolitical turmoil changed the cybersecurity threat landscape

ENISA, EU’s Agency for Cybersecurity, released its annual Threat Landscape report, covering the period from July 2021 up to July 2022. Cybersecurity threat landscape in …

Key observations on DDoS attacks in H1 2022

In the first half of 2022, the amount of DDoS attacks increased by 75.6% compared to the second half of 2021, according to new Nexusguard research revealed in the company’s …

Multi-platform Chaos malware threatens to live up to its name

Chaos, new multipurpose malware written in the Go programming language, is spreading across the world. “We are seeing a complex malware that has quadrupled in size in just two …

Mitigating the cybersecurity crisis for the school year ahead

As students head back into the classroom, K-12 district leaders are faced with the difficult task of preventing and mitigating cybersecurity threats against their districts. …

DDoS activity launched by patriotic hacktivists is on the rise

Radware released a report revealing that the number of malicious DDoS attacks climbed by 203% compared to the first six months of 2021. This Help Net Security video provides …

Gambling sites are losing significant amounts of revenue due to raising DDoS attacks

Imperva releases data showing that 25% of all gambling sites were hit with DDoS attacks executed by botnets in June. This Help Net Security video uncovers how DDoS attacks on …

DDoS attacks jump 203%, patriotic hacktivism surges

Radware released a report revealing that the number of malicious DDoS attacks climbed by 203% compared to the first six months of 2021. The report also underscores how …

Fake DDoS protection pages are delivering malware!

Malware peddlers are exploiting users’ familiarity with and inherent trust in DDoS protection pages to make them download and run malware on their computer, Sucuri …

DDoS tales from the SOC

In this Help Net Security video, Bryant Rump, Principal Security Architect at Neustar Security Services, talks about the challenges of mitigating immense DDoS attacks. He …

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