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Is your organization getting physical security right?

For most organizations (and especially for tech companies), the physical security of data centers and headquarters is of the utmost importance. As Tim Roberts, a senior …

Woman working on laptop
Adhering to the mobility requirements of NIST 800-171 does not have to keep you awake at night

The majority of companies in the United States and Europe are required to comply with at least one IT security regulation – often times more. This forces companies to exert …

Perimeter solutions: Do layers of security make a difference?

As an enterprise, it is always important to constantly reevaluate information security solutions. When doing so, take a good look at the perimeter solutions in place and their …

WHOIS after GDPR: A quick recap for CISOs

2018 was a big year for data protection with the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) last May — forcing CISOs and other professionals to rethink …

The security challenges that come with serverless computing

Serverless computing (aka Function-as-a-Service) has been a boon to many enterprises: it simplifies the code development and deployment processes while improving utilization …

To DevSecOps or not to DevSecOps?

Would your organization benefit from introducing DevSecOps? Dan Cornell, CTO of application security company Denim Group, believes that most organizations would. With one …

The CIO’s greatest roadblock to Agile development: Security governance

Today, the greatest roadblock CIOs face when adopting Agile development is not ‘security in general,’ but ‘security governance.’ We can define ‘security governance’ as the …

How to Marie Kondo your data

By now you’ve heard about Marie Kondo, the author of New York Times bestseller, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and star of Tidying Up, the new Netflix show that puts …

Lessons learned from the many crypto hacks

The one poignant lesson that crypto investors globally have learned over the years is that despite the immutable, impenetrable nature of the technology behind cryptocurrencies …

Build-time security: Block risk and security issues from production rings

Build-time security has become a standard part of any security program and continues to grow in popularity with the shift left movement. In its most popular form, it’s a …

Weighing the options: The role of cyber insurance in ransomware attacks

The Norsk Hydro cyberattack is a real-time case study of what an international company goes through when a ransomware attack is successful. Over the last week, we’ve witnessed …

How to build an effective vulnerability management program

The concept of vulnerability management has undergone a number of changes in the last few years. It is no longer simply a synonym for vulnerability assessment, but has grown …

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