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Apple’s Swift programming language is now open source

Apple announced that its Swift programming language is now open source. Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language that gives developers the freedom and …

Researchers get $100k for detecting emerging class of C++ bugs

Facebook has awarded $100,000 to a team of researchers from Georgia Tech for their discovery of a new method for identifying “bad-casting” vulnerabilities that …

79% of companies release apps with known vulnerabilities

The application development process is rampant with security risks due to current business pressures, according to new research released at Black Hat USA 2015 by Prevoty. From …

Commercial code is more compliant to security standards than open source code

A new report details the analysis of nearly 10 billion lines of source code through the Coverity Scan service and usage of the Synopsys Coverity Software Testing Platform.For …

One in 600 websites exposes sensitive info via easily accessible .git folder

Git is the most popular tool for software version control out there. Created by Linus Torvalds to facilitate Linux kernel development, Git is a boon for software developers as …

Researchers eliminate coding errors by using good code from “donor” apps

The main appeal of open source software is in the fact that its source code can be reviewed by anyone and, theoretically, stealthy backdoors and unintentional errors should be …

Why WinSCP became an open source classic

If you’re a Windows user and you’re connecting securely to remote machines, you’ve probably heard about WinSCP. This multi-functional open source tool has …

The enduring chasm between security teams and developers

The gap between application builders (developers and development organizations) and defenders (security and operations teams responsible for securing apps) is closing …

Do smart machines require ethical programming?

Realizing the potential of smart machines — and ensuring successful outcomes for the businesses that rely on them — will hinge on how trusted smart machines are and how well …

How GitHub is redefining software development

The security industry is slowly realizing what the developer community knew for years – collaboration is the key to and likely the future of innovation. Even if …

Four cyber security risks not to be taken for granted

It’s pretty difficult to make information security predictions, and even more difficult to verify them afterwards: we can only judge the effectiveness of information …

The hidden dangers of third party code in free apps

Research from MWR InfoSecurity has shown the various ways hackers can abuse ad networks by exploiting vulnerabilities in free mobile apps. When people install and use free …

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