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MacOS Proton backdoor delivered via Trojanized media player app

A Trojanized version of Elmedia Player software for Mac was available for download for who knows how long from the developer’s official site, ESET researchers have …

Android DoubleLocker ransomware encrypts data, changes device PIN

A new piece of ransomware is targeting Android users. Dubbed DoubleLocker, it both encrypts users’ files and changes the device’s PIN. About DoubleLocker Lukáš …

Defense contractors, manufacturers targeted with malware-as-a-service infostealer

Information stealing FormBook malware is being lobbed at defense contractors, manufacturers and firms in the aerospace sector in the US and South Korea. Delivery methods The …

modem router
Is your router sending out spam?

A Linux Trojan that has been infecting IoT devices for half a year and made them run a SOCKS proxy server has now acquired spam-sending capabilities. About Linux.ProxyM Doctor …

Cybercriminals deploying assortment of banking Trojans and ransomware

Check Point revealed that banking trojans were extensively used by cybercriminals during August, with three variants appearing in the company’s latest Global Threat Impact …

Stealthy backdoor used to spy on diplomats across Europe

A new, sophisticated backdoor Trojan has been used to spy on targets in embassies and consulates across Southeastern Europe and former Soviet Union republics. ESET researchers …

UK researcher who stopped WannaCry charged with creating and distributing banking Trojan

Marcus Hutchins, the 23-year-old UK researcher who found the kill-switch domain in the WannaCry ransomware code and registered it, preventing the malware to wreak even more …

The anatomy of a completely fileless attack

The use of fileless malware is definitely on the rise, and it’s used both by targeted threat actors and cybercriminals. Trend Micro researchers, though, are keen to …

Swiss users targeted with Windows, macOS banking Trojan

Swiss users are once again hit with emails delivering banking malware, for both Windows and macOS systems. Trend Micro researchers believe the campaign to have been mounted by …

German law enforcement gets new hacking powers

On Thursday, the Bundestag has voted to accept a new amendment that will expand the German police’s hacking powers. The new amendment will allow them to use so-called …

Dok Mac malware intercepts victims’ web traffic, installs backdoor

A new piece of Mac malware, more insidious and dangerous that all those encountered before, has been flung at European users via fake (but relatively convincing) emails. In …

Flashlight app on Google Play delivered highly adaptable banking Trojan

A modified version of the Charger mobile ransomware has been downloaded from Google Play by up to 5,000 users. This new variant of the malware was shipped inside a …

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