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Scammers lure users with fake Google+ invites

Google recently opened for business a social network named Google+, and to avoid making mistakes that plagued the rollout of its predecessor Google Buzz, the company has …

Anonymous releases 90,000 military emails and passwords

Anonymous persists with its AntiSec campaign and the latest target to fall has been Booz Allen Hamilton, one of the biggest U.S. military contractors. According to the …

MS Security Center search results poisoned

You would think that the Microsoft Safety and Security Center is the one place where you would be safe from malicious links, and you would be wrong. According to GFI’s …

U.S. to consider a new, secure Internet

While Iran thinks about instituting a national Internet in order to minimize the “poisoning” of Iranian minds with Western ideas and culture, the U.S. is toying …

U.S. government-funded labs targeted by cyber attacks

It’s safe to say that successful U.S. companies, government facilities and military contractors are by now to aware that they should always be on the lookout for cyber …

Can the Google ban be effective?

Google has recently decided to block all pages hosted on the domain from appearing in its search results, and the move has sparked discussions. The search giant has …

“Casey Anthony confession video” scam spreads

The verdict in the high-profile Casey Anthony case has ultimately disappointed a lot of people who believe that she did kill her two-year-old daughter, and scammers have …

The future of identity verification through keystroke dynamics

When someone mentions biometrics, the first (and sometimes the only) thing that comes to mind to many people are physical characteristics on the basis of which people can be …

Cisco Firewalls

There used to be a time when firewalls were considered a full proof solution for protecting networks, and that time is long gone. History has taught us there are no silver …

The malware behind an “indestructible” botnet

It took only three months for the TDL rootkit – also known as Tidserv, TDSS and Alureon – to add over 4,5 million infected computers to the developers’ …

Gmail to improve phishing email detection

Google has decided to introduce a small but hopefully effective change in the way it presents Gmail user with received emails. Starting from now, every time a user receives an …

Anonymous leaks new batch of government and company data

Anonymous has made available for download another batch of data, including those belonging to the Zimbabwean government, Mosman Municipal Council, Universal Music Group …

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