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Chrome to stop using online checks to spot revoked certificates

Future versions of Google’s Chrome browser will no longer use online revocation checks to verify whether the HTTPS site the user wants to visit possesses a valid …

Searching for Google Chrome can lead to malicious content

Searching for a link to download Google Chrome might result in a malware infection, warns a Websense researcher. According to him, if a user enters the term “Download …

Ditching Java might be a good move

As unpatched Java vulnerabilities are frequently taken advantage by exploit kits and users often forget to update Java, F-Secure’s Mikko Hypponen says that maybe …

Chrome is the most secure browser, claims new study

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer does a better job protecting systems from attackers who already have gained some degree of access than Mozilla’s Firefox, and …

OpenPGP implementation for webmail encryption

The idea of being able to encrypt and decrypt their email correspondence might appeal to a lot of users, but not all of them are technically savvy enough to implement …

Browser bloat and privacy concerns

An increase in browser-based bloat and malware, and growing concern over online tracking technology, will top the technology trends in 2012, according to SlimWare Utilities. …

Bug allows remote code execution in Chrome

In September ACROS Security notified Google about a peculiar behavior of the Chrome browser that can be exploited for execution of remote code outside Chrome sandbox under …

Microsoft security solutions say Chrome is malware

Among the questions and comments on the Google Chrome support forums this morning are several complaints about Microsoft Security Essentials detecting Chrome as a Zbot variant …

25% of tested Google Chrome extensions allow data theft

27 of a 100 tested Google Chrome extensions have been found vulnerable to data (passwords, history, etc.) extraction attacks though specially crafted malicious websites or by …

Chrome extension for identifying insecure code

In a bid to help developers keep their websites clear of security holes, Google has built – and offered for free – a (currently experimental) Chrome extension …

Google enhances Safe Browsing protection in Chrome

Google released Chrome 12 to the Stable Channel for all platforms. Chrome 12.0.742.91 includes a number of new features and updates, including: Hardware accelerated 3D CSS New …

Apps with dangerous permissions pulled from Chrome Web Store

Do you trust Google to review and ban potentially malicious applications from its online stores? The Android Market has already been found offering “trojanized” …

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