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Ransom is the main motivation behind cyber attacks

49% of businesses confirmed being the subject of a ransom campaign in 2016, according to Radware. What’s more, 27% of IT professionals surveyed chose data leakage or loss as a …

How hackers will exploit the Internet of Things in 2017

The Internet of Things (IoT) is now a major force in the weaponization of DDoS. In 2016, IoT botnets have fueled a number of attacks, including the largest-ever DDoS attack, …

Keys to successful security vendor collaboration

The IT manager tasked with understanding today’s complex vendor landscape is in an unenviable position. The rapid proliferation of new types of cyber security threats and …

How many businesses will pay a ransom if attacked?

Some 84 percent of information technology executives at firms that had not faced ransom attacks said they would never pay a ransom. But among firms that had been attacked, 43 …

threat hunting
How do you win the web security game when the rules keep changing?

Successfully protecting against web-based attacks is like trying to win a game that keeps changing its rules, only nobody tells you what the new rules are. With a rapidly …

USA flag
The 3 biggest cybersecurity risks posed in the 2016 presidential election

Here’s a question for you: What do the four recent cyber attacks from the hacker group Anonymous have in common? Attack 1: On March 4, 2016, a group inside of Anonymous …

The economics of hacking: Change your thinking

If you saw the film Wall Street, you undoubtedly recall the iconic character Gordon Gekko famously stating, “what’s worth doing is worth doing for money.” This perspective is …

The dangers of bad cyber threat intelligence programs

I love a surprise ending in a movie. Whether I’m watching drama, action, or sci-fi, there’s nothing better than a plot twist you can’t predict. At work, however, I feel the …

Security concerns over connected devices mask the greater threat

The popular and sometimes controversial Shodan search engine made some changes recently that drew attention mostly of the latter variety. If you are not familiar with Shodan, …

Rise of automation: Battle of the bots

As outlined in the Global Application and Network Security Report 2015-2016, Radware found that throughout 2015, no industry was immune to cyber attacks, and few were …

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