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FBI informant Sabu directed hacking of foreign govt sites

Hector Xavier Monsegur (aka “Sabu”), the infamous hacker and leader of the Lulzsec hacktivist group, has directed his associates to attack and compromise the …

NetSupport vulnerabilty allows information leakage

NetSupport is an application that allows corporations to remotely manage and connect to PCs and servers from a central location, to provide desktop support. I wrote a script …

Amazon Cloud Service servers riddled with vulnerabilities

Update with comment from Amazon available below. An investigation spurred by one of the customers of their security product has lead researchers of security company Bkav to an …

The dismal state of SATCOM security

Satellite Communications (SATCOM) play a vital role in the global telecommunications system, but the security of the devices used leaves much to be desired, says Ruben …

Tor relays vulnerable to Heartbleed dropped from anonymity network

Thanks to the OpenSSL Heartbleed bug, the Tor anonymity network is set to temporarily lose around “12 per cent of the exit capacity and 12 per cent of the guard …

Heartbleed threatens mobile users

As time passes, it becomes more and more obvious that almost no-one is safe from the danger created by the existence of the OpenSSL Heartbleed bug. In the days after the …

Heartbleed should jumpstart important security changes

With impacts on an estimated 60-70% of websites, Heartbleed is easily the security vulnerability with the highest degree of potential impact ever. There’s lots of good …

Heartbleed: VMware starts delivering patches

VMware has announced that it has started shipping patches for its products that have been impacted by the OpenSSL Heartbleed bug. “VMware is acutely aware of the …

Confirmed Heartbleed victim: Canada Revenue Agency

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has been breached by attackers that leveraged the newly discovered Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL and managed to compromise Social Insurance Numbers …

Heartbleed: Private crypto keys can be extracted from vulnerable servers

The recently discovered Heartbleed bug can be exploited to obtain private encryption keys from vulnerable websites, Web services firm CloudFlare confirmed late on Friday. The …

Heartbleed bug: Checking websites and changing passwords

In the wake of the discovery of the Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL, some security experts even went as far as advising users to avoid the Internet for a few days until the problem …

Vendors address the Heartbleed bug

Which products and services are affected by the Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL? Vendors have started issuing security advisories telling users which of their products are safe and …

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