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Fake browser warnings lure victims to rogue AV solution

Certain compromised websites are detecting which browser (Firefox, Chrome, IE) the visitor is using and present to them a fake malware/reported attack warnings that urge them …

Cyber crooks steal nearly $1 million from University of Virginia

A theft of nearly $1 million from bank accounts of the University of Virginia’s College at Wise is being investigated by the FBI. While the agency – as per their …

Slovenian Mariposa suspects’ identities revealed

A month has passed since the Mariposa malware author was arrested in Slovenia, and more details about the case have surfaced in the meantime. The Slovenian police says that …

Customer information of drugstore chain exposed

Personal information of 150,000 online customers of the German drugstore chain Schlecker was available online for everyone to access due to an error of the chain’s …

Fake TwitterDeck update infects Twitter users

The recent announcement made by Twitter regarding the switch from basic access authentication to OAuth open protocol on the Twitter API proved to be a godsend to malware …

30 days of 0-days, binary analysis and PoCs

An independent group of security researchers that goes by the name of Abysssec Security Team has announced some two weeks ago its intention of making September a month of …

A closer look at GFI Backup 2010 Business Edition

Through GFI Backup’s central web-based administration console, administrators can configure and implement company-wide backup policies in a single task. Additionally, …

Ethical malcoders get their own conference

You have heard of Black Hat, Defcon, RSA Conference and Info Security, but does the name MalCon ring a bell? Probably not, since the newly started conference on malware is yet …

Fake surveys harvest personal information

Gifts are often used as an incentive to make people share their personal information. Way back in the day, people could be convinced to share their password in return for a …

First rootkit targeting 64-bit Windows spotted in the wild

Alureon rootkit is back, and has acquired the ability to hijack computers running 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows, proclaimed Marco Giuliani, security researcher with …

Airport Internet terminals open to infection

Maybe you’re already aware of the dangers that public terminals can present to you or your computer. About two months ago, we had the instance of a photo kiosk that was …

Infected flash drive blamed for US military breach

The most significant computer systems’ breach in U.S. military history dates back to 2008, when malicious code contained in a flash drive infected a laptop of a military …

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