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AI tools put companies at risk of data exfiltration

Data loss from insiders continues to pose a growing threat to security, with emerging technologies such as AI and generative AI (GenAI) only compounding the issue, indicating …

Avast ordered to pay $16.5 million for misuse of user data

The Federal Trade Commission will require software provider Avast to pay $16.5 million and prohibit the company from selling or licensing any web browsing data for advertising …

Balancing “super app” ambitions with privacy

When Elon Musk’s ambitions to transform X into an “everything app” were divulged last year, he joined several companies known to be exploring or actively working on developing …

data analytics
How to take control of personal data

Cybercriminals increasingly use open-source intelligence (OSINT) to craft convincing backstories, often by mining social media profiles for details on a target’s …

How companies are misjudging their data privacy preparedness

In this Help Net Security video, Karen Schuler, Global Privacy & Data Protection Chair at BDO, discusses overconfidence in data privacy and data protection practices. …

Unpacking the challenges of AI cybersecurity

As organizations handle increasing amounts of data daily, AI offers advanced capabilities that would be harder to achieve with traditional methods. In this Help Net Security …

Database management enters a new era of complexity

Increasing complexity, the rapid adoption of emerging technologies and a growing skills gap are the biggest concerns facing IT leaders in 2024, according to Redgate. 30% of …

Budget cuts loom for data privacy initiatives

The past year saw developments and updates to privacy regulations across the globe—from India’s Personal Data Protection Bill to Brazil’s General Data Protection Law, …

The effect of omission bias on vulnerability management

Whether we’d like to admit it to ourselves or not, all humans harbor subconscious biases that powerfully influence our behavior. One of these is the omission bias, which has …

Attribute-based encryption could spell the end of data compromise

The future of data privacy is the end of compromise. With the world producing data at astounding rates, we need ways to put data to the best use while protecting against …

data analytics
IT teams unable to deliver data fast enough to match the speed of business

Increasing data requests overwhelm IT teams, but security concerns hinder their ability to provide employees with access to timely data, according to CData Software. The …

cloud security
Cloud security predictions for 2024

As we reflect on the cybersecurity landscape and the trajectories of threat vectors, it’s evident that we’re on the cusp of a paradigm shift in cloud security. …

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