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Take a dev-centric approach to cloud-native AppSec testing

The era of the cloud-native application is well and truly upon us: IDC researchers have predicted that by 2023, more that 500 million apps will be developed using cloud-native …

The importance of implementing security scanning in the software development lifecycle

Veracode published a research that finds most applications are now scanned around three times a week, compared to just two or three times a year a decade ago. This represents …

Low code applications are essential for cybersecurity development in applications

One of the biggest changes to the cybersecurity landscape is that developers are now often expected to implement security directly into the applications they’re building as …

Product showcase: – Cloud native application security testing

Delivering secure applications requires tooling built for automation in the modern tech stack. Oxeye provides a cloud-native application security testing solution that is …

mobile security
A 2022 priority: Automated mobile application security testing

The use of mobile devices has skyrocketed in the past two years and with it the mobile app market. It’s predicted mobile apps will generate more than $935 billion in revenue …

The threats of modern application architecture are closer than they appear

Modern applications and software have evolved as the transition to the cloud was accelerated by widespread digital transformation, as enterprises of all sizes made heavy …

Regulation fatigue: A challenge to shift processes left

Recent high-profile supply chain attacks have heightened the need for increased regulation of the open-source community. In the U.S., for example, President Biden’s …

ETSI completes set of IoT MQTT and CoAP testing standards

The ETSI committee on Methods for Testing and Specifications (TC MTS) has recently completed a first set of seven standards addressing the testing of the IoT MQTT and CoAP …

Most disaster recovery solutions are not tested on a regular basis

As organizations work diligently to support evolving business needs, while at the same time battling cybercrime and other threats to critical data, the majority of disaster …

Top security threats for power plants and how to proactively avoid them

Power plants are one of the most vitally important components of modern civilization’s infrastructure. A disruption in energy production impacts all aspects of society from …

Counterfit: Open-source tool for testing the security of AI systems

After developing a tool for testing the security of its own AI systems and assessing them for vulnerabilities, Microsoft has decided to open-source it to help organizations …

mind map
MindAPI makes API security research and testing easier

Security researcher David Sopas has published a new open-source project: MindAPI, a mind map with resources for making API security research easier. “I love mind maps. …

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