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Investigating Internet Crimes

Cybercrime is exploding, we all know that. But if you ever wondered about how online crimes are investigated by law enforcement, wonder no more: this guide book goes through …

Social Media Security

I remember the days when social media was used exclusively by early adopters and technology buffs. Today, it's a firm part of our daily lives. Individuals use it to network …

Unified Communications Forensics

“Unified Communications is the integration of real-time communication services such as instant messaging, presence information, telephony (including IP telephony), video …

The Circle

The book talks about a near future where the most significant company in the world is The Circle. They don't deal in goods, but in what we all know is the real commodity of …

The Basics of Web Hacking: Tools and Techniques to Attack the Web

Web security is one of the hot topics that we cover quite a lot on Help Net Security and is something that generates news and catches the interest of ever growing number of …

1Password 3.9.6: Manage passwords or die trying

While it is available for other platforms, 1Password is probably the most popular password manager for the Mac. It also integrates into your browser to make website logins …

Placing the Suspect Behind the Keyboard

There are many books addressing the subject of computer forensics out there, but this tome is one of the rare ones that approaches cybercrime investigations in a holistic …

Computation and Storage in the Cloud: Understanding the Trade-Offs

These days, especially in the IT world, most people are familiar with the concept of cloud computing and they take advantage of it for a variety of personal and business …

Simple Steps to Data Encryption

After last week's Practical Anonymity, here is another book by Peter Loshin that you might need in this new world of ours. It's a practical, hands-on guide about how to use …

Practical Anonymity: Hiding in Plain Sight Online

With the recent surveillance scandals tied to the NSA, you can no longer be deemed paranoid or believe yourself to be overreacting if you want to find a way of keeping your …

Black Code: Inside the Battle for Cyberspace

If anyone knows what's really going on in cyberspace and which forces threaten stability and security, it's Ronald Deibert and his colleagues from the well known and reputed …

Cloud Computing: Theory and Practice

Once a buzzword, cloud computing is now a part of nearly every modern IT infrastructure. Despite a variety of privacy, security and compliance concerns, companies large and …

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