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Phishers target mobile phone users

Mobile phone users in the UK and Norway have been targeted by malicious emails purporting to come from their mobile service providers, claiming that the users have to confirm …

iPhone jailbreaking technique paves way for attacks

Since jailbreaking iPhones has been declared legal, security experts have been focusing on the techniques used and speculating about the fact that they can be used by …

Facebook woes of less careful users

Until Facebook manages to think of a way to head off various scams when they first appear, users should hone their skills of detection and teach themselves to refrain from …

The hidden message in Toy Story 3 is a Facebook scam

The latest scam to hit Facebook users takes advantage of the recently released Toy Story 3: Sophos reports that from the moment you click on the link, the scam follows a well …

Project Vigilant searching for volunteer hackers at Defcon

Project Vigilant, a division of BBHC Global LLC (an information security firm), is a private, semi-secret, volunteer-based organization of “cyber spies” that is …

Microsoft patches the critical Windows LNK vulnerability

An emergency out-of-band update for patching the critical LNK vulnerability has been released by Microsoft. “The vulnerability exists because Windows incorrectly parses …

Big firms fail the test as social engineers demonstrate their abilities at Defcon

The social engineering capture-the-flag-style contest planned for the second and third day of this year’s edition of Defcon was executed without a hitch. No financial …

Q&A: SOURCE Barcelona

Stacy Thayer is the Founder and Executive Director of SOURCE Conferences. Prior to founding SOURCE Conferences, Stacy was employed for a Fortune 500 company, where she worked …

Bad news for BlackBerry users in the Middle East

What seems to be a power play between RIM, one of the biggest manufacturers of smartphones in the world and the TRA, the telecommunications regulation body in the United Arab …

Movie files run in QuickTime Player trigger malware download

Specifically crafted .mov files trigger the download of malware masquerading as a codec update and an installation file for another player when run in the latest (7.6.6) …

Android wallpaper app stealing user data and sending it to China

The revelation that an application for Android that is being sold on Google’s Android Market is sending out information regarding your phone (SIM card number, subscriber …

Apple improves App Store security

Following the recent hacking of its App Store, Apple instituted a new security measure that should prevent hijackers of accounts from purchasing anything from the store. The …

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