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U.K. seeks cyber experts, offers challenge and educational and job opportunities

It seems that the U.S. is not the only country with a severe shortage of cyber security experts – the U.K. is seeking them out as well. The BBC dubbed it a …

WoW players targeted with phishing emails

World of Warcraft players are once again targeted by a phishing scheme, says F-Secure. Emails purporting to come from Blizzard Entertainment – the creators of WoW …

Georgian businesses targeted by identity thieves

A week ago, Colorado’s Secretary of State and the state’s Attorney General warned registered businesses that criminals are hijacking corporate names and brands in …

No more free bugs?

The recent announcements from Google and Mozilla that revealed their intent of paying up to $3,133.7 and $3,000 (respectively) for an eligible vulnerability discovered by …

Safari’s AutoFill reveals personal information

A feature of Apple’s Safari browser can be used by hackers to harvest personal information, says Jeremiah Grossman, founder and CTO of WhiteHat Security, in his recent …

Get notified of suspicious Facebook access to your account

For all of you who haven’t figured it out already, there is a simple way to make sure that if someone breaks into your Facebook account and misuses it, you know it …

Privacy worries make the E.U. limit use of citizens’ personal data

The European Union has announced its plan to enforce stricter rules regarding its use of personal data of private citizens. “Citizens should have the right to know what …

Finally! A sandbox for Adobe Reader

A little more than a year ago, Adobe announced their Adobe Reader and Acrobat security initiative, which would focus on code hardening, incident response process improvements, …

Google updates its anti-spam engine to block recent JavaScript attacks

Google has updated its Postini anti-spam engine following the recent surge in emails containing obfuscated JavaScript attacks. These emails are a hybrid between virus and spam …

Siemens SCADA systems under attack by information stealing worm

The recently discovered Stuxnet worm that contains the password for Siemens’ SCADA systems is wreaking havoc around the world. The Simatic WinCC SCADA system, which runs …

Lack of computer security experts weighs heavy on U.S. cyber defense

It is old news that the U.S. lack the manpower needed when it comes to defending its own information infrastructure. Again and again, existing security experts that work for …

CCNA Security 640-553 Cert Flash Cards Online

The CCNA Security 640-553 Cert Flash Cards Online is a custom flash card application loaded with 250 total questions that offer a good way to review all the objectives on the …

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