Securing microservices and containers: A DevOps how-to guide
There is a simple reason for developers adopting the cloud and cloud-native application architectures. These “tools and methods” allow developers to accelerate innovation and …

Why creativity is key to security
Similar to corporate auditors and risk and compliance managers, security teams are often viewed as a hindrance to business growth. They are deemed the killjoys of business …

Cybersecurity: A core component of digital transformation
In this podcast, Kai Grunwitz, Senior VP EMEA at NTT Security, talks about the NTT Security 2018 Risk:Value Report, and the importance of cybersecurity for a successful …

DevSecOps is maturing, 62% of organizations have a team in place
During RSA Conference 2018, Aqua Security surveyed 80 security professionals to gain their unfiltered, high-level perspective on the fast-emerging discipline of DevSecOps. …

What CISOs can learn from Tyrion on Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones is a gripping, global phenomenon. One of the main reasons for its popularity is its nuanced portrayal of characters who are not 100% good or evil. Over seven …

Quantifying cyber exposure: Attackers are racing ahead
Cybercriminals have a median seven-day window of opportunity during which they can exploit a vulnerability to attack their victims, potentially siphoning sensitive data, …

1 in 10 healthcare organizations paid a ransom within the last year
More than one in three healthcare organizations have suffered a cyberattack within the last year, while almost one in 10 have paid a ransom or extortion fee, according to …

Pressures impacting security pros are up, threats are turning up the heat
Trustwave released the 2018 Security Pressures Report based on a global survey of 1,600 full-time IT professionals who are security decision makers or security influencers …

It’s time to embrace GDPR
The noise around the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been unavoidable, and for good reason. GDPR is coming into effect in a few short days (May 25 to be exact). …

The ethical and legal dilemmas of threat researchers
Threat intelligence is mainstreaming into a de-facto everyday tool of cyber-defense. But all that intelligence must be collected, analyzed, and prepared by someone. Enter …

Most businesses believe stronger data protection policies will lead to fewer breaches
In light of new data privacy legislations, a new Webroot report looks at how businesses in the U.S., U.K., and Australia are adjusting to new data security measures in order …

Are security pros happy with their jobs and salaries?
Do security professionals like their jobs and would they recommend a career in cyber security to those looking into one? What do they like about their jobs and what motivates …
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- The UK’s secret iCloud backdoor request: A dangerous step toward Orwellian mass surveillance
- Over 3 million Fortune 500 employee accounts compromised since 2022
- CISOs and boards see things differently
- It’s time to secure the extended digital supply chain
- SysReptor: Open-source penetration testing reporting platform