Threat actors are raising the bar for cyber attacks

From sophisticated nation-state-sponsored intrusions to opportunistic malware campaigns, cyber attacks manifest in various forms, targeting vulnerabilities in networks, applications, and user behavior. The consequences of successful cyber attacks can be severe, ranging from financial losses and reputational damage to potential legal ramifications.

This Help Net Security round-up presents excerpts from previously recorded videos featuring security experts discussing various cyber attacks and their implications.

Complete videos

  • Joshua Crumbaugh, CEO, PhishFirewall, talks about how cybercriminals are taking their phishing attacks to a new level.
  • Chris Buijs, Chief Evangelist at EfficientIP, talks about the importance of making the DNS as part of an organization’s security strategy.
  • Stefano Maccaglia, Incident Response Practice Manager at Netwitness, discusses how building awareness and investing in people helps prepare organizations for today’s cyber attacks.
  • Fleming Shi, CTO at Barracuda Networks, talks about the rise of attacks on critical infrastructure and how organizations are responding to them.
  • Cyril Noel-Tagoe, Principal Security Researcher at Netacea, speaks about the dangers bots pose and what companies can do to defend themselves.

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